Sunday, July 30, 2017


I'm a knitter and a weaver.

When I was about 8 years old, my mother taught me to knit and I've been loving it ever since. I started out with the usual beginner scarf project - full of dropped stitches, crooked edges, and lumps and bumps, but to my eyes it was beautiful. I used a Red Heart variegated yarn in bright primary colors and was fascinated watching the colors change as the scarf slowly but surely grew longer. That scarf was the first of many, many projects over the years and I have to admit I still love variegated yarns, especially those I dye myself.

I taught myself to weave about 20 years ago, using Deborah Chandler's book "Learning to Weave," and then took a week-long beginner weaving class with her at Harrisville Design Center in New Hampshire. My first loom was purchased for $25 at a yard sale and it served me well for many years.

Think back to how you began your fiber journey. Were you a learn-it-yourselfer or did you have a mother or grandmother who patiently helped you learn to wrangle knitting needles, crochet hooks, or loom problems?

My best,
Sue @ Catnip Yarns  

Thursday, July 13, 2017


That's right....FREE!

Are you thinking about buying some undyed yarn but hesitating because you're not sure exactly what you'll be getting sight unseen?
There's no substitute for actually seeing and touching yarn before you buy, so please don't hesitate to request samples.
If you have a U.S. mailing address, we'll be happy to send you up to 5 yarn samples free of charge. Each sample is about 12" long and is complete with a description card including yarn name, fiber content, and number of yards per pound.
To order your free yarn samples, just email us with a list of the yarns you'd like and your mailing address. Please be specific with exact yarn names. We cannot respond to requests asking us to pick out general yarn types or weights (i.e., cotton, linen, bulky, etc.).

Our best,
Marty & Sue @ Catnip Yarns

P.S. You'd be amazed at how many requests we receive for Red Heart yarn, Sugar 'n Cream yarn, acrylic yarn, purple yarn, pink yarn, fluffy yarn, and many, many others, so please note we do not carry any colored yarns, acrylics, Red Heart or other name brand yarns.

WHO IS CATNIP YARNS? Here at Catnip Yarns, we love yarn and we've been selling beautiful first quality undyed natural yarns since 2003...